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Allergies & Sinusitis

Allergy And Sinitus

By Bindi Zhu, M.D. (China) Ph.D. (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

patient room

The Benefits of Treating Allergies with Chinese Medicine

For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has successfully helped people heal from chronic sinus infections, including acute and severe cases. Using the natural healing methods employed by TCM, those who suffer from sinusitis take fewer antibiotics and other medications. TCM is particularly useful for those who have not had much success with standard medical treatment.

TCM can help you if you are allergic to mold, pollen, and even pets! Dr. Zhu has been treating allergies in Austin for over 20 years, and his expertise can help you find and treat the root cause of your symptoms.

Allergies in Austin

Austin is famous for its allergy-causing pollen and molds. Many people who have been allergy-free their whole life have developed allergies only after moving to Austin!

Depending on the cause of your allergic reaction, the treatment will differ. For example, there are different methods of acupuncture treatment depending on the season:

  • Grass (May – Jul)
  • Fall Elm (Aug- Sept)
  • Tree Pollen (Apr – May)
  • Weeds (Aug – First frost)
  • Cedar (Nov-Feb)
  • Mold (Worse during humid/rainy weather)
  • Dust/Dust Mites (Worse with central air or animal dander)

TCM can help you if you are allergic to mold, pollen, and even pets! Dr. Zhu has been treating allergies in Austin for over 20 years, and his expertise can help you find and treat the root cause of your symptoms.

Is TCM effective when Taking Allergy Medications?

Yes, TCM can work alongside allergy medications, and even replace them in some cases. The answer is different for every patient, and Dr. Zhu will work with you to find a treatment plan that fits your needs. Please be sure to let Dr. Zhu know which medications you are currently taking. 

What is a Typical Treatment Plan for Allergies?

Depending on the severity of the condition, treatments range from a couple of acupuncture sessions during allergy season to year-round treatment for those with severe, year-long allergies. Aligning with Dr. Zhu’s philosophy, the type of care you receive will be unique to you depending on your condition. 

What about Sinusitis?

Sinusitis can be caused by a bacterial infection, viral infection, and even an autoimmune response. Though the symptoms of sinusitis are similar to allergies, treatment for Sinusitis is different from treatment for allergies. Dr. Zhu will help you determine what exactly is causing your symptoms as part of his treatment plan. The key to treating Sinusitis is to address the root cause and boost the immune system (defensive qi). Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, proper nutrition, hydration, and exercise help prevent and heal sinusitis.

It can be difficult to determine if you have sinusitis, allergies, or just a common cold. Below is a list of symptoms that can help you determine what is causing your symptoms:

Comparing Sinusitis, Cold, and Allergy Symptoms

Facial pressure/painYesSometimesSometimes
Duration of illnessMore than 10 daysLess than 10 daysVaries
Nasal dischargeThick, yellow-greenThick and whitish, Thin and wateryClear, thin, watery
Itchy eyesNoNoYes
Bad BreathSometimesNoNo
Nasal congestionYesYesSometimes
Sore throat SometimesYesSometimes

Austin Allergy Forecast

Sinusitis can be caused by a bacterial infection, viral infection, and even an autoimmune response. Though the symptoms of sinusitis are similar to allergies, treatment for Sinusitis is different from treatment for allergies. Dr. Zhu will help you determine what exactly is causing your symptoms as part of his treatment plan. The key to treating Sinusitis is to address the root cause and boost the immune system (defensive qi). Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, proper nutrition, hydration, and exercise help prevent and heal sinusitis.

It can be difficult to determine if you have sinusitis, allergies, or just a common cold. Below is a list of symptoms that can help you determine what is causing your symptoms:

Tips For Treating Allergies at Home

For occasional or light allergy sufferers, home remedies may be enough to get through allergy season. If you want to try alternatives to allergy medicine at home, try these tips:

  • Nasal irrigation. Different products are available to irrigate the nasal passages with a saline solution.
  • Nasya oil. You can use an ayurvedic preparation, nasya oil, or and pure oil like olive or sesame oil to decongest, sooth, protect, and lubricate nasal passages.
  • Steam inhalation.
  • Topical application of essential oils.
  • Acupressure.

Recognizing and correctly diagnosing the underlying issue is critical to an effective treatment. Often allergy sufferers only treat the symptoms instead of the real issue, and don’t see long term results.

For more information, ask us about self-care and specific herbal formulas developed by Dr. Zhu. We are honored to have helped many people who have struggled with allergies and sinusitis who have ultimately found relief with Chinese medicine!